Become a part of the SZEnergy Team Partner Program!
Make your company the next partner of the leading university electric race car development team!
Forms of support:
Monetary Support
In this form, you can support our work in two ways: through the “Alternativ Kozlekedes Fejleszto Kozhasznu Egyesulet” (Alternative Transportation Development Public Benefit Association) or via a direct donation.
-Support through the Association:
In this case, we enter into a sponsorship agreement, in which we jointly agree on what consideration we can provide in exchange for the support. For example, we can offer to feature the company at our events or on our social media platforms. It is important to note that this is not a classic donation, but rather considered a collaboration agreement.
In the case of a donation, you can contribute to our goals within the framework of a monetary donation agreement. In this case, we do not provide any consideration, but we express our sincere gratitude and thanks for the support.
Service-based Support
In this case, the supporting company offers us one of its own or a mediated services, such as manufacturing a component or conducting a measurement.
This support is usually based on personal connections, most often on an ad-hoc basis, so our partner can even remain anonymous.
There is also the possibility to support the team with a contractually backed service, where we formalize the value of the service in a contract, written with the Alternativ Kozlekedes Fejleszto Kozhasznu Egyesulet. In this case, we can provide media exposure as consideration, and the value of the service is quantified.
Product-based Support
In this case, the company offers one of its own products or a mediated product.
You can support the team through contractually formalized products. In this case, the value of the products is outlined in a contract, drafted in collaboration with the Alternativ Kozlekedes Fejleszto Kozhasznu Egyesület. As consideration, we can provide media exposure, and the value of the products is quantified.
For example, we have a sponsor who provides a redeemable credit in their store for the team.
Why is it worth donating?
–Tax savings:
The company’s corporate tax liability can be reduced by 20% of the donation’s value, and in the case of a long-term donation agreement, an additional 20%. This results in a direct financial benefit for your company.
–Brand Building and Community Commitment:
By supporting non-profit organizations, the company communicates a positive message to its stakeholders, strengthens the trust of customers and business partners, and enhances the brand’s reputation. These initiatives show that the company prioritizes supporting and improving the community, with a special focus in our case on promoting a sustainable future and transportation.